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How to become a real estate representative in Dubai?

Posted by admin on August 12, 2022

Many people are willing to be a part of the real estate industry in Dubai. But they always ask an issue how to become a real estate broker in Dubai, if you’ve got good communication skills and close a deal quickly, then a true estate broker job is perfect option for you. To be fully conscious of this process, you would like to contact any business UAE consultants who will guide you throughout this procedure and help you make it easy and successful.

Here we to start with, there are many great reason to become a true estate broker in Dubai, First, you’ll be dealing with the most expensive properties on the market; the property if you have the right sale skills and work hard to build a good reputation, which will translate into a decent commission in addition to you base salary. secondly, becoming  a real estate broker in Dubai is a lucrative career option as there is an opportunity to help people find their dream property. This is an exciting job where you will have the opportunity to meet a diverse in multi-cultural client portfolio

real estate brokers in dubai

    The steps to become a real estate representative in Dubai are 

  1. Obtain a residency visa
  2. Apply for DREI Certified Training
  3. Take the RERA Exam
  4. Get a real estate license

Let’s check each of them briefly

  1. Obtain a residency visa: The first step to becoming a real estate representative in Dubai is to obtain a residency permit. UAE national and GCC nationals can easily sign up for the licensing process. However, expats must have a valid residency visa to apply for a real estate representative job in Dubai. 
resident visa| real estate brokers in dubai
  1. Apply for DREI Certified Training: Once you have received a visa, the next step to becoming a real estate representative in Dubai is to sign up for training at the DREI (Dubai real estate institute). Accredited as a certified training for real estate agents, the 4-day course aims to provide you with an essential insight into the real estate industry in the area. The course is sanctioned by RERA (Real estate regulatory agency), a regulatory unit of DLD (Dubai land department).
DREI | real estate brokers in dubai
  1. Take the RERA Exam: Register for the certified training for real estate agent course offered by DREI. At the end of the course, you will be required to take an exam, which upon passing will enable you to obtain a license which you will need to renew every year.
RERA exam | real estate brokers in dubai
  1. Get a Real Estate License : Once you pass the exam, you will be well on your way to obtaining a real estate license to work as a real estate license to work as a real estate broker in Dubai. An additional requirement for obtaining a broker’s license is a certificate of good practice. Once you complete these requirements, the department of economics will issue your agent card and license. You must renew your license 1 month before the expiry date to avoid charges by the issuing authority
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